IGNITE Market Communication
About Us
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專業精神 Creativity 創意思維 Flexibility
靈活變通 Customization
全面服務 Compassion 熱誠 Stick With Social Trend
緊貼社會潮流 Use of Multi-media
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Ignite Market Communication Limited (IMC) is a Hong Kong - based company. Our principle is "Creative Marketing", we are established for providing high quality and professional event planning and brand promotional activities with unique and creative themes and ideas. IMC does carry out various kinds of marketing analysis and strategies planning, design of promotional packages and the execution of ideas and directions, branding and event organization, including stage management, exhibition display, various kinds and nature of advertisements, invitation of sponsorship, public relation management and also other relevant marketing and production services. Our projects and services cover a large range of applications and receive appreciations from a diverse range of clients, for example, HSBC, Samsung, Chow Tai Fook, AXA, JCIHK Ten Outstanding Young Persons Selection, Hong Kong Jockey Club, IFC, Discovery Park, City Walk, CNP Laboratory, Handpicked Wines (HK) Ltd, and many others. 激想市場策劃有限公司為一所以香港作為服務核心的公司。我們以「激活創意・策劃所想」作為宗旨,期望為各大客戶提供高水準富創意的市場策劃服務。 我們的服務範疇包括品牌及宣傳策略管理、活動統籌、平面及廣告設計、藝人及名人邀請、舞台製作、司儀及模特兒安排等,全面的服務可以讓各大客戶可以更方便地為其企業作出最好的宣傳。 我們曾為各大機構合作舉行不同類型的活動,亦獲得他們的高度讚揚,包括:滙豐銀行、周大福珠寶、安盛保險、香港賽馬會、國際青年商會香港總會、香港賽馬會、又一城等。 COMPANY BACKGROUND 公司背景
Ignite Market Communication Limited
激想市場策劃有限公司 激活創意·策劃所想