IGNITE Market Communication
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Our Services 我們的服務 We aim to provide various marketing strategies and promotion planning services to our customers. From brainstorming promotion idea to media relations management, we help each customers to tailor-made their own creative and market-orientated integrated marketing strategies and bring the brand to the whole new era with our customers. The following are the 8 main services we provide: 我們致力為客戶提供各項專業市場策劃及活動推廣服務。從活動統籌、藝人及模特兒安排到制定宣傳策略等,逐一為客戶設計具創意亦配合市場趨勢的推廣計劃,攜手將品牌開拓一個更大的市場領域。以下是我們的主要服務範圍:
Ignite Market Communication Limited
激想市場策劃有限公司 激活創意·策劃所想